60 Unique Phys Ed Games Your Students Will Love

There’s nothing kids need more to break up a day spent sitting still and listening than a fun PE class to let off some steam. In the old days, going to gym class probably included playing kickball or dodgeball after running a few laps. Since then, there have been countless reinventions of and variations on old classics as well as completely new games. Although there is no shortage of options, we love that the supplies required remain relatively minimal. You can transport to another galaxy using just a pool noodle or two or create a life-size game of Connect 4 using just Hula-Hoops. You’ll want to make sure to have some staples on hand like balls, beanbags, and parachutes. There are even PE games for kindergartners based on beloved children’s TV shows and party games. Regardless of your students’ athletic abilities, there is something for everyone on our list of elementary PE games!

60 Unique Phys Ed Games Your Students Will Love


PE Rules Posters

Grab our free PE Rules posters to hang inside the gymnasium.

Students stand in the background. In the foreground are several hula hoops laid out on the floor as an example of elementary PE games
S&S Blog

1. Tic-Tac-Toe Relay

Elementary PE games that not only get students moving but also get them thinking are our favorites. Grab some Hula-Hoops and a few scarves or beanbags, then get ready to watch the fun!

Try it: Tic-Tac-Toe Relay

A large group of elementary school aged children are holding hands and running outside as an example of elementary PE games

2. Blob Tag

Pick two students to start as the Blob, then as they tag other kids, they become part of the Blob. Be sure to demonstrate safe tagging, stressing the importance of soft touches.

Try it: Blob Tag

A graphic shows how to setup his game. as an example of elementary PE games
The PE Specialist

3. Cross the River

This fun game has multiple levels that students have to work through, including “get to the island,” “cross the river,” and “you lost a rock.”

Try it: Cross the River

Three photos show students lined up on a line of cones in a gymnasium as an example of elementary PE games
S&S Blog

4. Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Cones

Line up cones, then have students pair up and stand on either side of a cone. Finally, call out head, shoulders, knees, or cones. If cones is called, students have to race to be the first to pick up their cone before their opponent.

Try it: Head, Shoulders, Knees & Cones

Four children facing the camera are chasing after a soccer ball flying through the air as an example of elementary PE games
Kid Activities

5. Spider Ball

Elementary PE games are often variations of dodgeball like this one. First, one or two players start with the ball and attempt to hit all of the runners as they run across the gym or field. If a player is hit, they can then join in and become a spider themselves.

Try it: Spider Ball Game

People are shown on all fours ready to kick a ball while imitating crabs as an example of elementary PE games

6. Crab Soccer

We love elementary PE games that require students to act like animals—and we think they will too. This is similar to regular soccer, but students will need to play on all fours while maintaining a crab-like position.

Try it: Crab Soccer

A graphic shows neon stick people standing in hula hoops and some have witch hats on. Text reads Halloween Tag as an example of elementary PE games

7. Halloween Tag

This is the perfect PE game to play in October. It’s similar to tag, but there are witches, wizards, and blobs with no bones!

Try it: Halloween Tag

A diagram shows how to setup a gynmasium for Monster ball as an example of elementary PE games The left side shows the blue team and the right side shows the red. There is a large ball in a square in between the teams.
The PE Specialist

8. Monster Ball

You’ll need a large exercise ball or something similar to act as the monster ball in the middle. First make a square around the monster ball, then divide the class into teams on either side of the square. Finally, task the teams with throwing small balls at the monster ball to move it into the other team’s area.

Try it: Monster Ball

Large cones and students are spread around a gymnasium as an example of elementary PE games
S&S Blog

9. Striker Ball

Striker ball is an enjoyable game that will keep your students entertained while working on reaction time and strategic planning. We love that there is limited setup required before playing.

Try it: Striker Ball

Students stand around a brightly colored parachute as an example of elementary PE games
Mom Junction

10. Parachute Tug-of-War

What list of elementary PE games would be complete without some parachute fun? So simple yet so fun, all you will need is a large parachute and enough students to create two teams. First, have students stand on opposite sides of the parachute, then let them compete to see which side comes out on top.

Try it: Parachute Tug-of-War

Students stand around a large parachute with small balls bouncing on the top of it as an example of elementary PE games
Mom Junction

11. Fleas Off the Parachute

Another fun parachute game! This time, one team tries to keep the balls (fleas) on the parachute and the other tries to get them off.

Try it: Fleas Off the Parachute

A collage of pictures shows a little boy holding a frisbee, a few large dodge balls, and a group of children running as an example of elementary PE games
Health Beet

12. Crazy Ball

The setup for this fun game is similar to kickball, with three bases and a home base. Crazy Ball really is crazy as it combines elements of football, Frisbee, and kickball!

Try it: Crazy Ball

A stick figure is shown on all fours.
Great Camp Games

13. Bridge Tag

This game starts as simple tag but evolves into something more fun once the tagging begins. Once tagged, kids must form a bridge with their body and they can’t be freed until someone crawls through.

Try it: Bridge Tag

14. Star Wars Tag

Elementary PE games that allow kids to be their favorite movie characters are just way too much fun! The only equipment you need is two different-colored pool noodles for lightsabers.

Try it: Star Wars Tag

15. Rob the Nest

Create an obstacle course that leads to a nest of eggs (balls). Then divide the students into teams. They will have to race relay-style through the obstacles to retrieve eggs and bring them back to their team.

A bingo card with physical education activities as an example of elementary PE games
Able Light

16. Fitness Bingo

Check out these fun activities your kids will love as warm-ups or standalone activities in any fitness unit.

Try it: Fitness Bingo

Four corners are designated by different colored papers. Students stand on different corners as an example of elementary PE games
The Many Little Joys

17. Four Corners

This classic game engages students physically while also working on color recognition for younger students. Have your students stand on a corner, then close their eyes and call out a color. Students standing on that color earn a point.

Try it: Four Corners

A colorful poster that explains the directions for a PE game using dice as an example of elementary PE games
Teaching Littles

18. Movement Dice

This is a perfect warm-up that requires only a die and a sheet with corresponding exercises.

Try it: Roll the Dice Movement Break

A colorful graphic of three children playing tag
Grade Onederful

19. Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag

A fun spin on tag, children will tag one another and then play a quick game of Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine who has to sit and who gets to continue playing.

Try it: Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag

Students stand about 10 yards back from cornhold boards. There are cones scattered throughout the gymnasium as an example of elementary PE games
S&S Blog

20. Cornhole Cardio

This one is so fun but can be a little bit confusing, so be sure to leave plenty of time for instruction. Kids will be divided into teams before proceeding through a funhouse that includes cornhole, running laps, and stacking cups.

Try it: Cardio Cornhole

21. Connect 4 Relay

This relay takes the game Connect 4 to a whole new level. Players must connect four dots either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

22. Zookeeper Tag

A fun tag game that involves your students’ favorite stuffies!

A diagram shows how to setup the game Rack It, Whack It.
PE Games

23. Racket Whack-It

To begin, students stand with rackets in hand. The teacher or a group of students launch balls and they must either dodge the balls or swat them away.

Try it: Racket Whack-It

A diagram shows 5 mats laid out with x's on them to represent the students.

24. Crazy Moves

First, set mats out around the gym, then yell out a number. Students must race to the mat before it is already filled with the correct number of bodies.

Try it: Crazy Moves

A cartoon image shows two kids on their hands while two other kids hold their legs. A third child is yelling Go in the background.

25. Wheelbarrow Race

Sometimes the best elementary PE games are the simplest. An oldie but a goodie, wheelbarrow races require no equipment and are guaranteed to be a hit with your students.

Try it: Wheelbarrow Race

26. Pac-Man Hopping and Jumping

Fans of retro video games like Pac-Man will get a kick out of this live-action version where students get to act out the characters.

27. Spaceship Tag

Students in Hula-Hoop spaceships run around trying not to bump into anyone else’s spaceship or get tagged by the teacher (alien).

Two children stand playing rock, paper, scissors, with bean bags on their heads (elementary PE games)
PE Universe

28. Rock, Paper, Scissors Beanbag Balance

This spin on Rock, Paper, Scissors works on balance and coordination. Students walk around the gym until they find an opponent, then the winner collects a beanbag, which they must balance on their head!

Try it: Rock, Paper, Scissors Beanbag Balance

Wedge mats are laid out in front of kiddie swimming pools which are filled with industrial sized paper towel rolls. Children are scattered around holding whiffle balls.
S&S Blog

29. Throwing, Catching, and Rolling

This is a fun activity, but it will require a lot of preparation, including asking the school maintenance staff to collect industrial-sized paper towel rolls. We love this activity because it reminds us of the old-school arcade game Skee-Ball!

Try it: Winter Activity for Throwing, Catching & Rolling

A diagram explains the rules to playing Jenga fitness.
S&S Blog

30. Jenga Fitness

Although Jenga is fun enough on its own, combining it with fun physical challenges is sure to be a winner with young students.

Try it: Jenga Fitness

A diagram shows children running around flipping cones either upside down or right side up (elementary PE games)
Prime Coaching Sport

31. Volcanoes and Ice Cream Cones

Divide the class into two teams: Volcanoes and Ice Cream. First, spread cones around the gym, half upside down and half right side up. Then, have teams race to flip as many cones as possible to either volcanoes or ice cream cones.

Try it: Warm-Up Games

32. 3-Ball

This fun variation on dodgeball begins with three balls on a basketball court. If you are hit by a ball or if you take a step while holding a ball, you are out. Check out the video for the rest of the rules.

33. Musical Hula-Hoops

PE games for kindergartners that are similar to party games are some of our favorites. This one’s like musical chairs but with Hula-Hoops!

34. 10-Second Tag

This game is perfect to play at the beginning of the year since it helps with learning names and allows the teacher to get to know the first student in line.

35. The Border

This game is so fun and requires no equipment whatsoever. Divide the gym into two sides, then allow kids to choose which side they want to be on.

36. Freedom Catch

This is a simple throwing, catching, and tag game that will certainly be a hit with your PE class. To begin, captors attempt to tag players so they can send them to jail. But the captured can be freed by catching a ball thrown by a teammate.

37. Oscar’s Trashcan

As far as PE games for kindergartners go, this one is a guaranteed winner because it is based on the show Sesame Street. Two teams will compete to fill their opponent’s trash can while emptying their own. Then, the team with the least amount of trash in their trash can at the end wins!

38. 4-Way Frisbee

Divide your class into four separate teams, who will compete for points by catching a Frisbee inside one of the designated goal areas. Also, there are a number of other rules to modify the game in a way that’s best for your class.

39. Badminton King’s/Queen’s Court

This one is simple but fun since it is played rapid-fire with kids waiting their turn to take on the king or queen of the court. The goal is to be the player that stays on the court the longest, while consistently knocking out new opponents.

40. Jumping and Landing Stations

Kids love stations and they definitely love jumping, so why not combine those things into one super-fun gym class? They’ll have a blast challenging themselves with all the different obstacles presented in this video.

41. Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course

Regardless of whether you’ve ever seen an episode of American Ninja Warrior, you’re probably familiar with the concept and so are your students. Plus, you’ll probably have just as much fun as your students setting up the obstacles and testing them out!

42. Balloon Tennis

What a fun way to learn the basics of tennis! Regular rules apply, but instead of a hard ball, students bat a balloon back and forth.

43. Indoor Putting Green

If you’ve got the budget for these unique putting green sets, you can introduce the game of golf to kids as young as kindergarten.

44. Scooter Activities

We all have fond memories of using scooters in gym class, don’t we? Try one (or all) of these five fun scooter games with your students and they will too.

45. Pick It Up

This is the perfect PE game to play if you are stuck in a small space with a large group. Teams win by making all of their beanbag shots and then collecting all of their dots and stacking them into a nice, neat pile.

46. Dodgeball Variations

Check out these three games to play instead of dodgeball. All of the excitement without the risk!

47. Tossin’ Towers

Kids stand in a circle and toss a ball all the way around. If they successfully toss and catch, they add another level to their tower.

48. PE Warm-Up Games

Five awesome games to build teamwork and motor skills. From Zone Tag to Line Elimination to Speed Chasers—your students will love these activities!

49. Bozo Challenge

This is a fun, challenging activity to help students build their underhand throwing skills.

50. Hula Hut Challenge

Build your students’ collaboration and teamwork skills as they progress through seven levels of building a hut out of Hula-Hoops.

51. River Crossing

This game is great for encouraging teamwork. The object of the game is to get across the “river” without getting swept away.

52. Sharks and Minnows

The classic game kids know and love. So much fun, they won’t even realize they’re exercising!

A cover image with the words 20 Fun Playground Games
Kid Activities

53. Outdoor Games

Some of the most beloved game are the playground games we grew up with. From Capture the Flag and Four Square to hopscotch and more.

Try it: Playground Games

A cartoon of students playing a tennis game on a yellow court
Prime Coaching Sport

54. Knock the Towers

Teach your young students beginning racquet skills with this fun game. They will work on controlled, accurate hitting over the net as they try to hit various targets.

Try it: Knock the Towers

55. Crab Soccer

Great for building core strength and agility, the object of this game is to work as a team to move the giant ball down the field into your opponent’s goal.

A collection of pink, purple, blue and green pool noodles
Great Camp Games

56. Noodle Hockey

This fast-paced game is played just like floor hockey but with pool noodles instead of hockey sticks. Same adrenaline rush, much lower risk of injury (obviously).

Try it: Noodle Hockey

A cartoon of kids playing a gym game with cones and balls
Prime Coaching Sports

57. Protect the Castle

To begin, five to seven kids stand in the middle protecting a group of objects such as bowling pins. Then, the rest of the kids throw balls at the pins, trying to knock them down.

Try it: Protect the Castle

58. Home Free Bad Guy Blob Tag

This one has a goofy name, but it is so much fun and keeps your students active and engaged.

59. Tit for Tat

First, choose a playing area that can be divided into two clear zones. Then, create safe zones with Hula-Hoops. Finally, divide students into two teams and begin play. The object is to pass safely into your opponent’s territory without being tagged.

60. Steal It Kickball

Have kids play this super-fun variation on the classic game of kickball.

Get my free PE rules posters!

elementary pe game posters

Ready to play some PE games? Grab our free PE Rules posters!

What are your favorite elementary PE games to play with your class? Come and share in our We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, check out our favorite old-school recess games for the classroom.

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