I think I lose some IQ points every time I hear this guy talk.
The talking heads on Trump’s propaganda network will literally say anything to make their viewers believe what Trump and Musk are doing by haphazardly taking a chain saw to our government programs that people rely on not to harm or kill anyone.
Here’s Fox ‘news’ host Jesse Watters on Wednesday’s The Five during a discussion on Trump’s bizarre cabinet meeting, defending the firing of the national park rangers:
JESSE WATTERS (CO-HOST): When you go camping in a national park, Judge, the first thing you do is you go to the park ranger and ask, “Should I feed the bears?” No.
I did a little research on bear attacks and fatalities in North America. During the pandemic, we shut down the national parks and we didn’t have a single park ranger. You know how many people died from bear attacks that year when there were zero park rangers? One American.
When we rehired all of the park rangers the next year, 4,000 park rangers, you know how many bear attacks? One.
The amount of park rangers has nothing to do with how many people’s lives they save from bear attacks. It is ridiculous.
Yeah, I guess the fact that they were closed and no one was camping there didn’t have anything to do with it either.