Kash Patel Lied, Told FBI Agents His Deputy Would Be Experienced Agent

Wow, someone on Team Trump LIED? Say it isn’t so. Now, that will be a stain on Bloaty McBatshit, the most honest and transparent co-president in history’s legacy. As Susie Madrak reported, Dan Bongino, former U.S. Secret Service agent, podcaster, and conspiracy theorist, has been chosen to serve as FBI deputy director. But that is not what Ka$h promised.

Via Reuters:

In a memo on Sunday evening, the FBI Agents Association told its 14,000 members that new director Kash Patel had assured them that he would follow tradition and name a career special agent with operational expertise as his deputy director.
“Director Patel agreed,” said the memo, which Reuters reviewed.

An hour after the memo was sent, Dan Bongino, a right-wing podcaster who has never been an FBI agent and who has called the agency “irredeemably corrupt,” was named to serve as Patel’s deputy director. That position oversees day-to-day operations and carries enormous power to supervise investigations across the nation.

The FBI is alarmed over Bongino’s new role at the agency. Bongino, who has called people like you and me “shitlibs,” “pussies,” and “Commies” on the Bad App, is hardly a non-partisan or qualified choice.

The unprecedented appointment of two loyalists to President Donald Trump has rattled the FBI community and lawyers who worry that their lack of experience and overt statements supporting retribution for the president’s critics could presage a misuse of the nation’s most prominent investigative agency, according to 14 former FBI employees and prosecutors interviewed by Reuters.

“FBI agents’ oaths to support and defend the Constitution will be tested as never before,” said David Laufman, who worked with FBI agents on sensitive investigations for decades, including as chief of counterintelligence for the Justice Department.

Wait, do we still have a Constitution, though? I thought Donald had gotten rid of that pesky thing.

Laufman said the appointments of Patel and Bongino “raise alarming questions about whether the FBI will wholly adhere to the rule of law, or instead will become a political investigative tool of the White House.”

Several recently retired career senior FBI officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they fear retribution, said Bongino’s appointment is especially troublesome.
“The deputy director wields incredible power to open investigations and that’s why this position shouldn’t be held – hasn’t really ever been held – by a political appointee,” a former senior FBI executive said. Another former FBI official, who held senior leadership positions in Trump’s first term and during Joe Biden’s presidency, described Bongino’s appointment as a “slap in the face, bold and brazen.”

I’m sure Bongino has a copy of Patel’s enemies list, and they’ll focus on what’s essential in this country: owning the libs. Only 1,422 days of this shitshow left. That’s all!

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