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Someone to Hold You Up

Do you need help?

It’s okay to admit it, if you do. Sooner or later, all of us need help. Even Moses.

Exodus chapter 17 tells about Moses receiving help while the Israelites are engaged in battle against an enemy. In the story, Moses stands on a hill and raises his staff above his head. As long as his arms remain in the air, the Israelites prevail. But when he lowers them, they begin to lose.

Eventually, Moses grows tired, and his arms drop. When the Israelite army sees this, they lose faith and, with it, their confidence to fight. Facing certain defeat, Moses’ brother, Aaron, and a man named Hur come to the rescue. They each grab an arm and hold Moses steady until the Israelites endure to victory.

Independence is a virtue, but so is a thriving support system. It’s right for you and me to stand on our own two feet and care for our own lives. But everybody needs somebody sometime. When we feel lonely and weak, we need another kind of strength: courage. The courage to admit that we need help – and the courage to ask for it.

If your world has gotten heavy to bear, reach out to a friend or a family member. Or speak free of charge with one of our counselors at Focus on the Family. The phone number is 1-800-A-FAMILY.

Whatever you do, don’t try to go it alone. Allow someone to come alongside you and hold up your arms.

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