Will Elon Musk's President Cosplay DESTROY Our Democracy?

I’m so f*king tired of unelected President Elon Musk. I’m tired of him waltzing around Washington like he got one vote. I’m tired of the tool getting up on stages and jumping up in the air like an addled toddler with the self awareness of drywall. And I’m tired of this absolute tool making dangerous, callow, obtuse economic decisions he has no legal right to make. I don’t think I’m alone here.

Tesla, SpaceX, Twitter, how many companies does Musk have to defenestrate before we can dispense with the myth he has a clue? His rockets imploding, Cyber trucks that look like 2 toasters humped & reproduced, destroying 80% of Twitter’s value while Nazifying the platform as much as an Apartheid broligarch can. Nobody elected him, nobody likes him. He’s a clueless, billionaire asshat, the face of the GOP.

And we should make this unelected, obnoxious, billionaire making decisions about our lives in backrooms synonymous with the Republican Party.

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